
提供: wikipokpok
移動先: 案内検索
24行目: 24行目:
== データベース移行 ==
== データベース移行 ==
=== エクスポート ===
\COPY (select user_id, jiin_id, ie_id, name, yomi, nusi, each_order, table_order, generation, created_at, updated_at from clients order by jiin_id asc, ie_id asc) TO '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/others.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',' FORCE QUOTE * NULL AS '' HEADER;
=== インポート ===
  \COPY notes(user_id, name, kind, meeting_time, role, created_at, updated_at) FROM '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/notes.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',';
  \COPY notes(user_id, name, kind, meeting_time, role, created_at, updated_at) FROM '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/notes.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',';
  \COPY others(user_id, note_id, client_id, name, yomi, nusi, order1, order2, generation, created_at, updated_at) FROM '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/others.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',';
  \COPY others(user_id, note_id, client_id, name, yomi, nusi, order1, order2, generation, created_at, updated_at) FROM '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/others.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',';

2022年2月22日 (火) 15:45時点における版

% ruby -v
% rbenv versions
% rbenv local 2.7.5
% rails -v
% rails new tep3 -d postgresql
database.yml username
rails db:create
$ yarn add bootstrap@next
$ yarn add @popperjs/core
import "bootstrap";
import "../stylesheets/application";
% mkdir app/javascript/stylesheets/
% touch app/javascript/stylesheets/application.scss
@import "bootstrap";
<%= stylesheet_pack_tag 'application', media: 'all', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>



\COPY (select user_id, jiin_id, ie_id, name, yomi, nusi, each_order, table_order, generation, created_at, updated_at from clients order by jiin_id asc, ie_id asc) TO '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/others.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',' FORCE QUOTE * NULL AS  HEADER;


\COPY notes(user_id, name, kind, meeting_time, role, created_at, updated_at) FROM '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/notes.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',';
\COPY others(user_id, note_id, client_id, name, yomi, nusi, order1, order2, generation, created_at, updated_at) FROM '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/others.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',';