$ rails generate scaffold User name:string email:string password_digest:string remember_digest:string admin:boolean activation_digest:string activated:boolean activated_at:datetime reset_digest:string reset_sent_at:datetime
$ rails generate scaffold User name:string email:string password_digest:string remember_digest:string role:integer activation_digest:string activated:boolean activated_at:datetime reset_digest:string reset_sent_at:datetime
% rails generate scaffold Note content:string user:references kind:integer meeting_time:integer role:integer line:integer
% rails generate scaffold Client user:references note:references content:string list:integer line:integer memo:text
% rails generate scaffold Other user:references note:references client:references name:string yomi:string client_name:boolean line:integer memo:text generation:string
% rails generate scaffold List user:references note:references content:string line:integer
$ rails generate scaffold Post content:text user:references picture:string
$ rails generate model Relationship follower_id:integer followed_id:integer
$ rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
$ bin/dev
$ rails generate controller StaticPages home help about contact
ActionView::Template::Error (The asset "tailwind.css" is not present in the asset pipeline.
config.assets.compile = true
% rails db:migrate:status
% rails db:rollback STEP=3
% rails db:migrate
$ rails db:migrate:down VERSION=20200504051127
$ rails db:migrate:up VERSION=20200504051127
% rails db:migrate:reset
$ heroku pg:backups:capture $ heroku pg:backups:download $ createdb mydb $ pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U myuser -d mydb latest.dump
=# select count(*) from clients; count ------- 4209 (1 row)
=# select distinct on (jiin_id) * from clients;
=# CREATE TABLE jq_clients AS SELECT * FROM clients where jiin_id = 1; SELECT 3066
=# ALTER TABLE jq_clients ADD COLUMN userid uuid;
=# update jq_clients SET userid = '44f47a1e-2ccf-4213-bac5-aa62c5f3c141'; UPDATE 3066
=# ALTER TABLE jq_clients ADD COLUMN jiinid uuid;
=# update jq_clients SET jiinid = 'd23ae9b5-5a74-4e95-9933-0e710b13401a'; UPDATE 3066
=# update jq_clients SET ie_id = null; UPDATE 3066
=# COPY (SELECT userid,jiinid,ie_id,name,yomi,nusi,each_order,memo,generation,created_at,updated_at FROM jq_clients WHERE jiin_id = 1) TO '/Users/jq/rails_app_tepnote/jq_clients.csv' WITH CSV HEADER; COPY 3066
database heroku_dump table dump編集
ALTER TABLE users RENAME TO users_old; ALTER TABLE clients RENAME TO clients_old;
=# select count(*) from clients_old ; count ------- 5067 (1 row)
% pg_dump --username=jq --table clients_old heroku_dump > clients_old.sql
% psql --username=jq tep5_development < clients_old.sql SET SET SET SET SET set_config ------------ (1 row) SET SET SET SET SET SET ERROR: relation "clients_old" already exists ALTER TABLE ERROR: relation "clients_id_seq" already exists ALTER TABLE ALTER SEQUENCE ALTER TABLE COPY 5067 setval -------- 5351 (1 row) ERROR: relation "clients_pkey" already exists ERROR: relation "index_clients_on_jiin_id" already exists ERROR: relation "index_clients_on_user_id" already exists ERROR: relation "index_clients_on_user_id_and_jiin_id_and_name" already exists ERROR: relation "index_clients_on_yomi_and_ie_id" already exists ERROR: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "users_old" ERROR: constraint "fk_rails_de6906508b" for relation "clients_old" already exists
ie_id 重複修正編集
=# SELECT ie_id, COUNT(ie_id) FROM clients_old where nusi = true GROUP BY ie_id HAVING COUNT(ie_id) > 1 ORDER BY ie_id ; ie_id | count -------+------- 2090 | 2 2129 | 2 2167 | 2
=# update clients_old SET ie_id = ie_id + 20000 where jiin_id = 2; ------ =# update clients_old SET ie_id = ie_id + 40000 where jiin_id = 4;
=# select * from clients_old where ie_id = 2090;
=# update clients_old set ie_id = 6000 where ie_id = 2090 and jiin_id > 1;
親テーブルie_id 子テーブルie_id 差分削除編集
% diff aa_clients_id_ie_id.csv bb_clients_old_ie_id.csv > diff.csv
=# insert into users ( id, name, email, created_at, updated_at, password_digest, remember_digest, activation_digest, activated, activated_at, reset_digest, reset_sent_at ) select id, name, email, created_at, updated_at, password_digest, remember_digest, activation_digest, activated, activated_at, reset_digest, reset_sent_at from users_old; INSERT 0 17
=# insert into notes ( id, content, user_id, created_at, updated_at, kind ) select id, jiin_name, user_id, created_at, updated_at, kind from jiins; INSERT 0 14
=# insert into clients ( id, user_id, note_id, content, line, created_at, updated_at ) select ie_id, user_id, jiin_id, name, table_order, created_at, updated_at from clients_old where nusi = true; INSERT 0 1293
=# insert into others ( id, name, yomi, client_id, client_name, user_id, note_id, created_at, updated_at, memo, line, generation ) select id, name, yomi, ie_id, nusi, user_id, jiin_id, created_at, updated_at, memo, each_order, generation from clients_old; INSERT 0 4747
insert エラー編集
% rails db:migrate:status
% rails db:rollback STEP=2
% rails db:migrate:down VERSION=
t.references :client, null: false, foreign_key: true --> t.references :client, foreign_key: true
% rails db:migrate:up VERSION=
=# delete from clients_old where id in (4028,3911,3912,2998,3007,4359);
ie_id | count -------+------- 2282 | 2 3703 | 2 (2 rows) =# update clients_old set nusi = false where id = 1346; =# update clients_old set nusi = false where id = 3703;
update clients_old set nusi = true where id = 523;
delete from clients_old where id = 845;
update clients_old set ie_id = 1264 where id = 515; update clients_old set ie_id = 1264 where id = 1463; update clients_old set nusi = false where id = 515;
delete from clients_old where id = 217; update clients_old set nusi = false where id = 218; update clients_old set ie_id = 204 where id = 218;
delete from clients_old where id = 811;
update clients_old set nusi = true where id = 1792;
delete from clients_old where id = 810;
delete from clients_old where ie_id = 22653;
delete from clients_old where ie_id = 22653; DELETE 3 tep5_development=# insert into others ( id, name, yomi, client_id, client_name, user_id, note_id, created_at, updated_at, memo, line, generation ) select id, name, yomi, ie_id, nusi, user_id, jiin_id, created_at, updated_at, memo, each_order, generation from clients_old; INSERT 0 4747
=# INSERT INTO others (user_id, note_id, client_id, created_at, updated_at) SELECT '44f47a1e-2ccf-4213-bac5-aa62c5f3c141', 'd23ae9b5-5a74-4e95-9933-0e710b13401a', '6d7d3f62-ebc8-4de1-bc46-06287a19d8d1', '2022-09-12 19:11:46.986872', '2022-09-12 19:11:46.986872' FROM generate_series(1,3066) ; INSERT 0 3066
=# UPDATE others set name = atab.name, yomi = atab.yomi, client_name = atab.nusi, line = atab.each_order, memo = atab.memo, generation = atab.generation, created_at = atab.created_at, updated_at = atab.updated_at FROM (SELECT name, yomi, nusi, each_order, memo, generation, created_at, updated_at FROM jq_clients) atab ; UPDATE 3066
tep5_development=# drop table clients_old ; DROP TABLE tep5_development=# drop table jq_clients ; DROP TABLE tep5_development=# drop table users_old ; DROP TABLE
% cd rails_app_tepnote/3tep
% rbenv version 2.7.1 (set by /Users/jq/.rbenv/version)
% rbenv versions system 2.6.6 * 2.7.1 (set by /Users/jq/.rbenv/version) 2.7.4 2.7.5 3.0.0 3.1.2
カレントディレクトリで使う rubyのバージョンを指定する
% rbenv local 3.1.2
確認 2.7.1から3.1.2に変わった
% rbenv version 3.1.2 (set by /Users/jq/rails_app_tepnote/3tep/.ruby-version) % rbenv versions system 2.6.6 2.7.1 2.7.4 2.7.5 3.0.0 * 3.1.2 (set by /Users/jq/rails_app_tepnote/3tep/.ruby-version)
カレントディレクトリで確認 無かったのでインストールする
% rails -v rbenv: rails: command not found
% gem install rails
% rails -v Rails
% gem search ^bundler$ --all bundler (2.3.21, 2.3.20, 2.3.19, 2.3.18, 2.3.17,.......
% gem list bundler *** LOCAL GEMS *** bundler (2.2.17, default: 2.1.4)
% gem install bundler -v 2.3.21
% gem list bundler *** LOCAL GEMS *** bundler (2.3.21, 2.2.17, default: 2.1.4
% bundle -v Bundler version 2.3.21
% psql --version psql (PostgreSQL) 14.5 (Homebrew)
% rails new tep30 -d postgresql --css tailwind または rails new tep30 -d postgresql --css bootstrap % cd tep30 % bundle install % rails db:create % rails db:migrate % rails s
tailwind css UIコンポーネント インストール
% yarn add daisyui
% scp -r --exclude-from='exclude-file.txt' ~/rails_app_tepnote/3tep/tep30 xxx:/home/xxx
$ ruby -v ruby 3.1.2p20 (2022-04-12 revision 4491bb740a) [x86_64-linux] $ rails -v Rails $ bundle -v Bundler version 2.3.21 $ psql --version
$ rails new tep30 -d postgresql --css bootstrap または rails new tep30 --css tailwind -d postgresql
database.yml username:などを確認する (2箇所)
$ bundle install --without test development $ rails db:create RAILS_ENV=production $ rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
$ yarn add daisyui
plugins: [ require('@tailwindcss/forms'), require('@tailwindcss/aspect-ratio'), require('@tailwindcss/typography'), require('daisyui'), // ← 追記する ],
<html data-theme="light"> // テーマを選ぶ
exclude-file.txt production.rb database.yml
% rsync -r --exclude-from='exclude-file.txt' ~/rails_app_tepnote/tep5/ jq:/home/jq/tep5/
$ bundle install --without test development
database.yml username:などを確認する (2箇所)
$ rails db:migrate:status RAILS_ENV=production
$ rails db:create RAILS_ENV=production または $ rails db:reset RAILS_ENV=production または $ rails db:drop RAILS_ENV=production または =# drop database mydb;
ArgumentError: Missing `secret_key_base` for 'production' environment, set this string with `bin/rails credentials:edit`
master.key credentials.yml.enc 削除して作り直す
$ EDITOR="vi" bin/rails credentials:edit
$ rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
ActionView::Template::Error (The asset "tailwind.css" is not present in the asset pipeline.
config.assets.compile = true
$ yarn add daisyui
=# delete from clients_old where ie_id in (21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 73, 78, 79, 80, 82, 87, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 115, 116, 117, 118, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 131, 132, 133, 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141, 144, 145, 147, 148, 150, 151, 152, 153, 157, 158, 159, 161, 162, 166, 170, 171, 173, 174, 176, 177, 179, 180, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, 197, 199, 201, 202, 205, 222, 228, 230, 231, 232, 249, 264, 272, 310, 355, 372, 373, 375, 404, 461, 472, 473, 490, 491, 531, 550, 561, 590, 649, 673, 674, 676, 679, 683, 686, 689, 691, 694, 701, 741, 754, 800, 802, 804, 805, 808, 814, 815, 821, 848, 872, 875, 876, 921, 923, 936, 953, 972, 993, 998, 1009, 1010, 1013, 2072, 5158, 6053) DELETE 307