
移動先: 案内検索

警告: ログインしていません。編集を行うと、あなたの IP アドレスが公開されます。ログインまたはアカウントを作成すれば、あなたの編集はその利用者名とともに表示されるほか、その他の利点もあります。

この編集を取り消せます。 下記の差分を確認して、本当に取り消していいか検証してください。よろしければ変更を保存して取り消しを完了してください。
最新版 編集中の文章
27行目: 27行目:
==== Users ====
==== Users ====
* はじめにtepnoteのユーザーをエクスポートし tep3にインポートする
* はじめにtepnoteのユーザーをエクスポートし tep3にインポートする
==== Notes ====
==== Jiins → Notes ====
* tepnoteのjiinsをエクスポートし tep3のnotesにインポートする
* tepnoteのjiinsをエクスポートし tep3のnotesにインポートする
38行目: 38行目:
:- このときJiinsのidとNotesのidを合わせる Notesのuser_idは1にする(1は淨久寺グループが代々引き継ぐアカウントのユーザーID)
:- このときJiinsのidとNotesのidを合わせる Notesのuser_idは1にする(1は淨久寺グループが代々引き継ぐアカウントのユーザーID)
update notes set user_id = 1;
tep3_development=# select * from notes;
tep3_development=# select * from notes;
62行目: 59行目:
==== Clients ====
==== ClientsをClientsとOthersに分ける ====
* 旧ClientsをClientsとOthersに分ける 寺ごと(ノートごと)に出し入れする
* 新Clients(家テーブル) 旧Clientsから主を抜き出す ie_idを新Clientsのidにする そのidにOthersがぶらさがる 旧Clientsのmemoは別テーブルに移す
:- 新Clients(家テーブル) 旧Clientsから主を抜き出す ie_idを新Clientsのidにする そのidにOthersがぶらさがる 旧Clientsのmemoは別テーブルに移す
* 今回はスキーマを変更したので寺ごとに出し入れする
\COPY (select ie_id, user_id, jiin_id, table_order, created_at, updated_at from clients where jiin_id = 1 and nusi = true order by ie_id asc, jiin_id asc) TO '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/clients_1.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',' FORCE QUOTE * NULL AS '' HEADER;
\COPY (select ie_id, user_id, jiin_id, created_at, updated_at from clients where jiin_id = 1 and nusi = true order by ie_id asc, jiin_id asc) TO '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/clients_1.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',' FORCE QUOTE * NULL AS '' HEADER;
\COPY (select ie_id, user_id, jiin_id, table_order, created_at, updated_at from clients where jiin_id = 2 and nusi = true order by ie_id asc, jiin_id asc) TO '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/clients_2.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',' FORCE QUOTE * NULL AS '' HEADER;
\COPY (select ie_id, user_id, jiin_id, created_at, updated_at from clients where jiin_id = 2 and nusi = true order by ie_id asc, jiin_id asc) TO '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/clients_2.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',' FORCE QUOTE * NULL AS '' HEADER;
75行目: 72行目:
\COPY clients(id, user_id, note_id, line, created_at, updated_at) FROM '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/clients_1.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',';
\COPY clients(id, user_id, note_id, created_at, updated_at) FROM '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/clients_1.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',';
\COPY clients(id, user_id, note_id, line, created_at, updated_at) FROM '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/clients_2.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',';
\COPY clients(id, user_id, note_id, created_at, updated_at) FROM '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/clients_2.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',';
:- シーケンス編集
* Others
select max(id) from clients;
select setval ('clients_id_seq', 5128);
:- list_idにnullがあるとき
update clients set list_id = 102 where list_id is null;
==== Others ====
* 旧ClientsをClientsとOthersに分ける 寺ごと(ノートごと)に出し入れする
\COPY (select user_id, jiin_id, ie_id, name, yomi, nusi, each_order, generation, created_at, updated_at from clients where jiin_id = 1 order by ie_id asc) TO '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/others_1.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',' FORCE QUOTE * NULL AS '' HEADER;
\COPY (select user_id, jiin_id, ie_id, name, yomi, nusi, each_order, table_order, generation, created_at, updated_at from clients where jiin_id = 1 order by ie_id asc) TO '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/others_1.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',' FORCE QUOTE * NULL AS '' HEADER;
105行目: 87行目:
\COPY others(user_id, note_id, client_id, name, yomi, nusi, line, generation, created_at, updated_at) FROM '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/others_1.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',';
\COPY others(user_id, note_id, client_id, name, yomi, nusi, line1, line2, generation, created_at, updated_at) FROM '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/others_1.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',';
==== おまけ ====
==== Categories → Lists ====
* エラー
:- Othersのclient_idがClientsのidにないとき
ERROR:  insert or update on table "others" violates foreign key constraint "fk_rails_10377da6e2"
DETAIL:  Key (client_id)=(26) is not present in table "clients".
:- others_1.csvから不要なclient_idを含む行の削除方法
% psql postgres
postgres=# create database x_0226;
% psql x_0226
x_0226=# CREATE TABLE clients(id serial, client_id int);
x_0226=# CREATE TABLE others(id serial, client_id int);
x_0226=# \COPY clients(client_id) FROM '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/clients_1.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',';
x_0226=# \COPY others(client_id) FROM '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/others_1_c.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',';
x_0226=# SELECT client_id FROM others EXCEPT SELECT client_id FROM clients order by client_id asc;
x_0226=# create table x_others(id serial, user_id int, note_id int, client_id int, name varchar, yomi varchar, nusi boolean, line int, generation varchar, created_at timestamp, updated_at timestamp);
x_0226=# \COPY x_others(user_id, note_id, client_id, name, yomi, nusi, line, generation, created_at, updated_at) FROM '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/others_1.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',';
x_0226=# delete from x_others where client_id in (SELECT client_id FROM others EXCEPT SELECT client_id FROM clients order by client_id asc);
x_0226=# \COPY (select user_id, note_id, client_id, name, yomi, nusi, line, generation, created_at, updated_at from x_others order by client_id asc) TO '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/others_1.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',' FORCE QUOTE * NULL AS '' HEADER;
tep3_development=# \COPY others(user_id, note_id, client_id, name, yomi, nusi, line, generation, created_at, updated_at) FROM '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/others_1.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',';
==== Lists ====
* 旧Categoriesのset_id1を寺ごとに抜き出し Listsに入れる
* 旧Categoriesのset_id1を寺ごとに抜き出し Listsに入れる
165行目: 106行目:
:- シーケンス編集
select max(id) from lists;
select setval ('lists_id_seq', 128);
==== ListsのidをClientsのlist_idに入れる ====
==== ListsのidをClientsのlist_idに入れる ====
187行目: 119行目:
  64 |      2 |      1 |      1060 |  2597 |      70 |        101 | t    | f    | t    | t    | f    | f    | 2019-03-07 16:16:19.197973 | 2021-08-25 23:47:50.265849 |            |            |            | t        | t    | t    | t  | f
  64 |      2 |      1 |      1060 |  2597 |      70 |        101 | t    | f    | t    | t    | f    | f    | 2019-03-07 16:16:19.197973 | 2021-08-25 23:47:50.265849 |            |            |            | t        | t    | t    | t  | f
* 旧CategoriesとPropertiesをjoinしてie_id(新Clientsのidは旧ie_id)とlist_idを抜き出す
\COPY (select properties.ie_id as id, categories.id as list_id from categories join properties on categories.id = properties.tiku_id where categories.jiin_id = 1 order by properties.ie_id asc) TO '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/ie_id_list_id_1.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',' FORCE QUOTE * NULL AS '' HEADER;
\COPY (select properties.ie_id as id, categories.id as list_id from categories join properties on categories.id = properties.tiku_id where categories.jiin_id = 1 order by properties.ie_id asc) TO '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/ie_id_list_id_1.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',' FORCE QUOTE * NULL AS '' HEADER;
* tep3_developmentデータベース内に作業用一時テーブルを作る(後で削除) Clientsのlist_idに上で抜き出したlist_idを入れるため
CREATE TABLE x_list_id (client_id int, list_id int);
CREATE TABLE x_list_id (client_id int, list_id int);
\COPY x_list_id(client_id, list_id) FROM '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/ie_id_list_id_1.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',';
\COPY x_list_id(client_id, list_id) FROM '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/ie_id_list_id_1.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',';
* Clientsをアップデートしてlist_idを入れる
UPDATE clients SET list_id = x_list_id.list_id FROM x_list_id WHERE clients.id = x_list_id.client_id;
UPDATE clients SET list_id = x_list_id.list_id FROM x_list_id WHERE clients.id = x_list_id.client_id;
==== Categories ====
* 旧Categories set_id 2 が主なカテゴリ
* エクスポート
\COPY (select id, user_id, jiin_id, content, line, created_at, updated_at from categories where jiin_id = 1 and set_id = 2 and content <> '' order by line asc) TO '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/category_1_1.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',' FORCE QUOTE * NULL AS '' HEADER;
* インポート
\COPY categories(id, user_id, note_id, content, line, created_at, updated_at) FROM '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/category_1_1.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',';
:- シーケンス編集
select max(id) from categories;
select setval ('categories_id_seq', 128);
id | user_id | note_id | content | line | defa |    created_at      |    updated_at     
  1 |      1 |      1 | 檀家    |    1 | t    | 2022-02-24 07:00:00 | 2022-02-24 07:00:00
==== Client_categories ====
=== インポート ===
\COPY notes(user_id, name, kind, meeting_time, role, created_at, updated_at) FROM '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/notes.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',';
\COPY (select properties.user_id, properties.jiin_id, properties.ie_id, properties.category_id, properties.created_at, properties.updated_at from properties join categories on properties.category_id = categories.id where properties.jiin_id = 1 and categories.set_id = 2 order by ie_id asc, category_id asc) TO '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/client_category_1_1.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',' FORCE QUOTE * NULL AS '' HEADER;
\COPY client_categories(user_id, note_id, client_id, category_id, created_at, updated_at) FROM '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/client_category_1_1.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',';
\COPY others(user_id, note_id, client_id, name, yomi, nusi, order1, order2, generation, created_at, updated_at) FROM '/Users/jq/3tep_gomi/others.csv' WITH CSV DELIMITER ',';

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このページを編集するには、下記の確認用の質問に回答してください (詳細):

取り消し | 編集の仕方 (新しいウィンドウで開きます)